الثانوية التأهيلية البارودي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

the present perfect simple with just and already practice

اذهب الى الأسفل

the present perfect simple with just and already  practice Empty the present perfect simple with just and already practice

مُساهمة  rafai الإثنين 9 نوفمبر 2009 - 14:41

Rewrite the following sentences using the PRESENT PERFECT TENSE.

PATTERN ONE : has/ have + just + past participle

e.g I saw the new film a few minutes ago.

I have just seen the new film.

1. Betty sent an email to her cousin a few minutes ago.


2. My sister gave me flowers a few minutes ago.

My sister ..........................................................................................

3. They tested the alarm system a few days ago.


4. You drank a cup of coffee a few hours ago.


5. Michael married Beatrice a few weeks ago.

Michael ..............................................................................................

Then write two sentences of your own using the same pattern

Sentence 1:........................................................................................................

Sentence2: ........................................................................................................

PATTERN TWO has/ have+ already+ past participle

e.g A: Why don’t you brush your hair ?

B: Because I have already brushed it.

1. A: Why don’t you clean your teeth ?

B: Because...........................................................................................

2. A: Why don’t you do your homework ?

B: Because ..........................................................................................

3. A: Why doesn’t Mary answer the door ?

B: Because .................................................................................................

4. A: Why don’t you take an aspirin ?

B: Because ..........................................................................................

5. A:Why doesn’t your sister change her hairstyle ?

B: Because ..........................................................................................

Then write two sentences of your own using the same pattern.



المساهمات : 114
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/11/2009

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

the present perfect simple with just and already  practice Empty رد: the present perfect simple with just and already practice

مُساهمة  rafai الأحد 2 مايو 2010 - 13:43

Rewrite the following sentences using the PRESENT PERFECT TENSE.

PATTERN ONE : has/ have + just + past participle[

e.g I s
aw the new film a few minutes ago.

I have just seen the new film.

1.Betty sent an email to her cousin a few minutes ago.


2.My sister gave me flowers a few minutes ago
My sister .........................................................................................

3.They tested the alarm system a few days ago.

4. You drank a cup of coffee a few hours ago.


5. Michael married Beatrice a few weeks ago.

Michael ..............................................................................................]

Then write two sentences of your own using the same pattern

Sentence 1:.......................................................................................................

Sentence2: .......................................................................................................

PATTERN TWO : has / have+ already+ past participle
e.g A: Why don’t you brush your hair ?
B: Because I have already brushed it.

1. A: Why don’t you clean your teeth ?
B: Because...........................................................................................

2.A: Why don’t you do your homework ?

B: Because ..........................................................................................

A: Why doesn’t Mary answer the door ?
B: Because .................................................................................................

A: Why don’t you take an aspirin ?
B: Because .........................................................................................

A:Why doesn’t your sister change her hairstyle ?
B: Because .........................................................................................

Then write two sentences of your own using the same pattern.


المساهمات : 114
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/11/2009

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

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